
Thank you bubble letters
Thank you bubble letters

thank you bubble letters

I can hardly wait!ĭo you remember the first time that we discussed a serious relationship? We had gone to that Italian restaurant for lunch, and then we went for a drive up the canyon. In fact, I think we can do anything together! I look forward with hope and excitement to the future we will build together. I know that we can do great things together. I know that I'm not perfect, but I will strive to be the best person that I can be. I hope that I will always be worthy of your love, and that I can be the kind of person that you deserve. Life's just better with you in it, and I know that it always will be so. I would say that I've always been a positive person and I try to look on the bright side of things, but being with you has brought me a joy that I have never known before. I've been so happy this last year that we have been together. You're so good to me, and even though I don't express it as often as I would like to or as often as I should, I want you to know that these simple things are part of the reason why I admire you so, and they are why I love you more than I ever thought possible. I know these are little things, and I know that some of them are things that many women don't appreciate men doing for them anymore, but they are things that this woman loves. Thank you for the flowers on special occasions, for taking me dancing (even though you claim to have two left feet), for going on long walks with me, for opening doors for me and pulling out my chair. You make me feel like a princess-you treat me like a woman longs to be treated. Thank you for being so caring and so kind. Thank you for your support and for your love. You've also helped me gain an interest in preserving and enjoying the natural beauty around us. You've also helped me to appreciate things that I had always taken slightly for granted to a greater extent-things like the importance of families and patriotism. Your tender caring and gentle ways, your strength, and your love for life have influenced every part of who I am, even down to the colors that I like-remember how I used to hate red before you came along? You've encouraged me to do things that I may never have had the courage to try without you-things like scuba diving, rock climbing, even sky diving. I am so grateful that you are in my life. I want you to know how much I truly love and appreciate you, Sweetheart.

thank you bubble letters thank you bubble letters

Through the days and through the nights, thank you for always being there I'll always be there for you. I can't even imagine my life now without all the things we enjoy together-our passionate lovemaking, luxurious bubble baths, and lazy sleep-ins on Sunday morning.

Thank you bubble letters movie#

On the weekends, I enjoy relaxing with you and just watching a movie, critiquing every aspect of the production like professional movie critics, making judgments on everything from the casting choices to the quality of the screenplay. It's a great stress reliever to tell you all the day's events and listen to you analyze why this happened, or why that person behaved the way they did, and then speculate together on how tomorrow will line up. I wonder if you know how much I look forward to the simple things we share, like our talk fest over dinner at the end of a long workday. When your proposal was accepted and the changes you suggested became a reality, your success was as much a boost to my ego as it was to yours. I was glad you thought that trying out your presentation on me helped improve your final draft. I learned a lot from hearing your great ideas on improving efficiency and productivity in an advertising department. I remember when you wanted to make a proposal to your project committee and you needed to practice on an audience. Loving you also means I have the opportunity to be there for you when you need me. Now that I have it, I use so much more of my education and experience, and my self-esteem has gotten a real shot in the arm, too-all thanks to you. It was your faith in me and in my abilities that actually gave me the nerve to apply for it. I knew I had the experience and the know-how, but I just wasn't bold enough to step forward when the position first became available. For one thing, I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten this last promotion without your encouragement. I don't know, though, if I've really told you how loving you has improved the quality of my life in so many ways. The months and the years are slipping by and I tell you often enough that I love you, that my life would not be complete without you anymore.

Thank you bubble letters